Tuesday, March 18.

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    Download Android 7.1 stock firmware for MXQ PRO 4K TV Box Buy

    Download Android 7.1 stock firmware for MXQ PRO 4K TV Box

    On this page, you will find the official link to download MXQ PRO 4K TV Box Stock Firmware ROM (flash file) on your Computer. The firmware comes in a zip package, which contains Flash File, Flash Tool, USB Driver and How-to Flash Manual.

    buy this tv box Price: $33.94 click

     Android 7.1 stock firmware for MXQ PRO 4K TV Box  Download
    Amlogic USB Burning Tool v2.0.8  Download
    Amlogic Burn_Card_Maker v2.0.2
    Firmware details
    Archive: MXQ PRO 905w_ssv6051_8g1g2g_171101_SD_USB
    Model: MXQ PRO 4K TV Box
    Image file size: 469 MB
    Platform: Amlogic S905W
    Image: aml_upgrade_package.img
    Inside archive: firmware + u-boot.bin.sd.bin + aml_sdc_burn.ini
    Caution: Please don't update computer code unless you recognize what you're doing, you actually need it or it's fully necessary. computer code updates could often have dangerous results, like bricking your device, quickly or for good. The computer code update method is finished entirely at your own risk. Before trying to update the computer code, copy your knowledge.


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